Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New year resolution


Nothing like new resolutions for new year.
Does not matter if new year has 365 days to live and the resolution invariably less days to live.
The age has not diminished the desire to resolve fresh.
Nor it is enough to have a single resolution.
The day before yesterday we Khares from Thane had a get together. 
Most of the resolutions did not go beyond regularly exercising to reduce weight or to curb impulse to fight or to go for tour and so on. 
One of them wanted an exhibition of paintings made so far.
That underlined the fact that  you cannot be more than the resolutions you made.
So why be  miser while making them ?
Here let me put down many of them I have given to myself.

1 Writing :-
To publish at least one more book in the year. Complete writing of at least one another for next year. To write the blog at least three times in a week. That keeps you using your gray cells.
2 To take music tuition's seriously. Prepare good study material for students. Use harmonium more liberally while teaching. Engage in self tuition. To seek more public perfomances
3 To continue with the platforms of Swabodh Parivar and Swabodh Prakashan as judiciously as possible.
4 To manage better financial desciplione
5 To keep the mood jolly as much and as long as possible.

The wish list can go on. But let me hold back something for years to come after this year !

Arvind Khare