Friday, November 10, 2017

Study Group : Geeta : Chapter 12 part 1

अभ्यास वर्ग  गीता अध्याय १२. श्लोक १
अर्जुन उवाच
एवं सततयुक्ता ये भक्तास्त्वां पर्युपासते |
ये चप्य्क्षर्म्व्यक्त्म् तेषां के योगवित्तमाः ||12:1||

The  stanza comes from the mouth of Arjuna in question form. To understand the logic behind question one must refer to back chapters. The word thus ( एवं ) also indicates the link . The eleventh chapter ends with four stanzas coming from the Lord. They come after fulfilling the request of Arjuna to the Lord to fall back to normal gentle form ( सौम्य रूप ) with which Arjuna is comfortable. While 11th chapter shows the Lord in extreme harsh form (  उग्र रूप ) showing omnipresence of him covering both the time and space. It was too much to sustain and so came the request. 
The Lord explained in last 4 stanzas of last chapter that even if the harsh form is desired by Gods and Rishis, it cannot be fathomed by normal eyes. Arjuna could get a glimpse only when The Lord granted him special vision. It clearly indicates things happen only when the Lord wishes them to happen. To save devottees like Atjuna from possible disappointment, The Lord assures assures that same vision can bt obtained by incessant devotion of him in Gentle form ( सौम्य रूप ).  Arjuna immediately noticed two paths to achieve the Lord. That prompted him to ask the question the traveler of which path is the best way for the union ? ( योगवित्तमाः )   The prefix वि accepts both as good but distinguishes between the good and exceptionally good.
It reminds an example ( दृष्टांत ) set by Sant Gyaneshwar. He has said supposing a traveler takes night halt on top of the hill, he will see many ways to go down from the hill in the morning with breaking of sunlight.  He cant take all the ways but has to choose which is the best. Arjuna is lucky that he has guide like The Lord and ask which is the best.

Ir also tells us the possibility of different paths to achieve same target. 

The Lord will proceed to answer his question from 2nd stanza onwards.